What is in this playbook?
- WHAT is the intent?
- WHY the RCA Framework?
- WHO will benefit from this playbook?
- HOW to use the playbook?
- The FRAMEWORK and practical step by step guide
- Self –assessment on the progress and success of implementation
- Relevant tools and templates
What is the cost of the playbook?
$ 42.50
How do I obtain the playbook?
Order your copy of the Rapid Change Agility (RCA) Playbook here.

What is in this playbook?
- WHAT is the rationale and purpose?
- WHY the RTT business benefits and Value?
- What are the outcomes of the RTT?
- The Metaphor
- WHO will use this playbook?
- HOW to use the playbook?
- The approach in a nutshell
- Understanding the RTT Agenda structure
- Self-Assessment
- Toolbox
What is the cost of the playbook?
$ 18.80
How do I obtain the playbook?
This playbook will be available from the 1st of February 2021
Order your copy of the Rapid Team Talks (RTT) Playbook here.